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  • kubernetes multi-container pods

    multi-container pods and their design pattern use-cases
  • kubernetes configuration

    commands, arguments, config maps, security contexts and service accounts
  • kubernetes networking

    an introduction to networking within a kubernetes cluster
  • kubernetes 101

    a basic introduction to kubernetes and it's components
  • the differences between kafka and rabbitMQ

    Explore the key differences between Kafka and RabbitMQ, two major technologies in messaging and streaming, to determine which best suits your needs.
  • stream processing 101

    Stream processing is key in today's big data era, crucial for real-time data handling and analysis. Explore its concepts, benefits, and applications.
  • messaging 101

    messaging protocols enable reliable, scalable, and asynchronous communication between components of a distributed system.
  • swift essentials 1

    variables, constants, data types, types conversion, basic operators, if statements, functions, try/catch
  • ios development roadmap

    my personal roadmap for learning native ios development using swift
  • swift essentials 2

    swift core concepts: structs, classes, protocols, enums